Contract and rates negotiation

Contracts and Negotiations

When sponsorships and partnerships are a significant part of your income, it can be easy to get into difficult situations through poor negotiations or signing contracts that restrict your future business or have other problem clauses. When a major industry brand offers support, it is very tempting to go with it without asking questions or even attempting to negotiate a better deal.

There are several reasons for this, inexperience making you believe that the initial offer is the only one, or a fear that by asking for additional arrangements the brand will walk away are just two. There is always room for negotiation, but many new businesses believe that they need expensive legal representation to challenge contracts that are offered, and that presumed barrier to negotiations is another common issue that influencers and other businesses often struggle with.

However, we can help you negotiate improved contracts that ensure your value as a brand is always recognized. Our team includes contract experts who will work to ensure that you always have the best possible contract in every business relationship, helping you to make informed choices for your brand at every stage.

You don’t need expensive legal teams, we can make sure your contracts and business relationships are everything you need, avoiding problems and delivering quality contracts you can sign with confidence.